Wild Hare Products
Virtualization Tools
Traditional Products

Our powerful emulation products recreate an entire Data General computer environment on open systems. Data General Nova, Eclipse and MV hardware is reproduced down to the register level. Many Nova-similar computers are also supported, including Point 4, Bytronix, Fairchild F9445, Rolm and others.
Various other DG-derivatives that target specific application or system areas are also supported.
Select a product below to see a general overview.

eMV extends the advanced reNOVAte technology to run Data General 32-bit MV computer programs directly on open system platforms. AOS/VS, AOS/VS II, MV/RDOS, INFOS, and other operating systems and their corresponding languages and subsystems can now be run on modern hardware ranging from PCs to mainframes.

reNOVAte directly runs Data General Nova, Eclipse, Point 4, Strobe Data, Bytronix, Rolm, AN/UYK-19, AN/UK-64 or other DG-compatible code on any popular open platform. Now entire legacy programs and application environments can run unmodified on any modern hardware or operating system. This completely software-based solution eliminates the need for additional hardware, co-processor boards, strings or mirrors to run any Nova or Eclipse code on any popular hardware platform. This includes RDOS or AOS, special stand-alone programs, dedicated embedded systems or even full-blown proprietary multi-user operating systems.

reGenerate is a hardware interface between a PC and a Data General computer chassis that gives the PC control of current DG hardware I/O controllers and custom user interfaces. When combined with the reNOVAte and eMV software, applications previously "locked in" to DG hardware can now be moved to open technology.

nFusion is a hardware system that replaces popular Data General disk drives, tape drives and other peripherals in current DG systems. This board slides into a standard DG chassis and appears like a disk drive, a tape drive and other standard DG peripherals to a DG computer. Now aging disk and tape units peripherals can be replaced with reliable modern technology. Media and maintenance costs are drastically reduced, hardware options are greatly increased, current applications are preserved and backup options expand.

neoNOVA shrinks an entire Nova 4, Nova 3, or even Nova 1200 or Nova computer system - including disk drives, tape drives and other popular DG peripherals - down to one board in the current computer chassis! It allows you to retain custom interfaces yet replace aging peripherals and CPU with modern technology. Extended life for old systems is now possible in-place, preserving precious hardware and software investment.

Choice! is Wild Hare's full-featured runtime system that runs Interactive COBOL (ICOBOL) object code on virtually any popular computer or operating system. It is object code and data file compatible with Data General ICOBOL systems, so complete compatibility with DG systems is assured down to the binary level. The actual program .PD/.DD object program files and .NX/.XD data files from Data General systems can be immediately used on any computer that runs Choice!. This means that absolutely no conversions, translations or even recompilations are required to run ICOBOL programs on different hardware, ranging from small PCs to large mainframes.

The Axis COBOL compiler lets you compile ICOBOL programs on virtually any computer and operating system. It compiles DG-compatible COBOL source programs into .PD/.DD object files, and maintains complete binary compatibility with Data General systems. The object files will run on any system supported by Wild Hare's Choice! or DG's own run-time system. You can develop COBOL programs on one system and run them on any other without modification.

WH/Sort is a general-purpose file record handling utility which manipulates record order and content of specified data files. It is designed to be very compatible in function and command format with Data General's AOS/VS Sort/Merge utility, yet provides many significant extensions and capabilities.