Wild Hare Products
Virtualization Tools
Traditional Products

Compatibility with legacy procedures and capabilities. Most DG-compatible sort command files may be used by WH/Sort without modification.
Save money. Additional native file format support reduces need for obtaining other 3rd party software or utilities, and may eliminate requirements for custom programming. New features and extensions dramatically increase the utility's value compared to the original DG Sort/Merge capabilities.

- Sort and copy records
- Merge multiple files into a single file
- Edit and/or translate record field
- Delete duplicate output records from sort, copy or merge operations
- Delete or ignore records according to user-controlled conditions

Powerful Extensions
- Additional native support for DG-ISAM, WH-ISAM, C-ISAM and X-ISAM data files.
- Recognition and optional saving of duplicate DG-ISAM, WH-ISAM, C-ISAM and X-ISAM data records.
- Recognition and optional saving of deleted DG-ISAM, WH-ISAM, C-ISAM and X-ISAM data records.
- External system or user-created sort procedures or programs may be transparently used.
- Three different sorting techniques are available to adapt to various user requirements.
- Translation of proprietary Data General data types to-and-from other data types.
- Data field reference options include by length or by position.
- Optional use of case-insensitive string testing.
- IF statements may execute any number of "massage" statements.
- Data pipe in and out operations for operating environment flexibility.
- Wild Hare "logical name translation" facility fully supported.

Excluded Features
Data General Sort/Merge features that were designed to operate on proprietary DG operating systems may not be supported by WH/Sort:
- INFOS input and output file support.
- REPORT and FORMS sections.
WH/Sort is a general-purpose file record handling utility that manipulates record order and content based on user-driven criteria. It is compatible in function and command file format with Data General's AOS/VS Sort/Merge utility, but it provides significant extensions and capabilities to handle the most demanding file manipulating requirements.
It runs on popular modern platforms, from small DOS-based PCs to large mega-processor mainframes, but retains the "flavor" of the corresponding DG Sort/Merge.