Wild Hare Products
Virtualization Tools
Traditional Products

Saves Time & Money. Using your current software and data files without modification on modern systems saves time and money.
Eliminate Risk. No development or compatibility risk encountered when moving from your current platform to a new one.
Adds life to your ICOBOL software investment. New features, capabilities and technology can be transparently used by existing programs without changing any programs.
Gives you a Choice!... True platform, operating system and vendor independence.

- Runs ICOBOL programs on popular modern computers and operating systems.
- Directly uses current program (.PD/.DD) files and data (.NX/.XD) files.
- No program conversions or data translation is needed to run on any platform.
- Supports DG-compatible ISAM, Wild Hare extended ISAM and industry-standard C-ISAM and D-ISAM - simultaneously and without any reprogramming.
- Supports program and data sizes up to 2 gigabytes.
- New features and capabilities can be used without modifying current programs.
- Hot keys, windows, networks and other extensions supported.
- Includes advanced source level RAID debugging subsystem.
- Integrated system activity tracing facility to track down operating system, user program and application problems.
- User console logging facilities for auditing or error tracking purposes.
Wild Hare's Choice! - the most portable DG-compatible ICOBOL runtime system available - it delivers the benefits of open systems to your current ICOBOL applications.
Choice! runs Interactive COBOL (ICOBOL) programs on popular modern computers and operating systems. The actual program COBOL object files (.PD/.DD) and data files (.NX,.XD) from the Data General machine can be used on any computer that runs Choice!, thereby ensuring complete compatibility with Data General systems. This means that absolutely no conversions, translations or even recompilations are required to run ICOBOL programs on different hardware ranging from small PCs to large mainframes.
Choice! supports all standard DG ICOBOL features, such as SCREEN SECTION, CALL PROGRAM, LINKAGE SECTION, menu handling and data entry. It also includes transparent extensions that can be used without any reprogramming, such as hot keys, dynamic help, windows, network access and certain SCREEN DEMON features. For enhanced interoperability, Choice! optionally supports C-ISAM and D-ISAM file systems with no code changes whatsoever. These new features and more make your past software investment work for your future.