Wild Hare Products
Virtualization Tools
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Dramatically cuts development costs. For example, the productivity gains of using a laptop for system development and maintenance are amazing. Of course, other platforms may also be used, but this single capability creates tremendous user benefits.
Save time - save money. Time is dramatically saved by using the development platform most convenient for you. And time is money.
Increase productivity. Any computer can be used to develop programs for all platforms. A laptop becomes a convenient productivity giant.
Reduce costs. Initial program development costs are reduced, maintenance costs are slashed, as is turnaround time for enhancements or updates.

- Develop Interactive COBOL programs on popular computers and operating systems.
- Create Data General-compatible .PD/.DD object files, or more convenient .CF combined files.
- Source compatible with Data General's ICOS rev. 4.x, and ICOBOL 1.0 - 1.7.
- Supports additional Wild Hare features, including extended WH ISAM and industry-standard C-ISAM and D-ISAM file extensions, timed input handling, additional ACCEPT and DISPLAY handling.
- Supports program and data sizes up to 2 gigabytes.
- New features and capabilities can be used without modifying current programs.
- Integrates with the RAID source code debugger.
Wild Hare's Axis compiler lets you develop Data General Interactive COBOL programs on any popular platform. It compiles DG-compatible COBOL source programs into DG-compatible .PD/.DD object files; these files can then run on any system that runs Choice! or Data General's own COBOL runtime system. With Axis you can develop COBOL programs on one system and run them on any other system without modification.
Axis supports all standard Data General ICOBOL features, such as SCREEN SECTION, CALL PROGRAM, LINKAGE SECTION, menu handling and data entry. It also supports many powerful new features including windows, hot keys, full display attribute/color control, timed ACCEPTS and large program sizes that can give programs new dimensions. This lets your past software investment work for your future.